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New Year’s Eve and red color

New Year’s Eve and red color

New Year's Eve is a night full of traditions and rituals carried out in the hope of attracting good luck, love, health and prosperity for the year ahead. One of the most widespread customs in Spain is to wear red underwear on the last night of the year. Where does this tradition come from? What meaning does it have? What type of clothing can be chosen? Below, we tell you everything you need to know about red underwear on New Year's Eve. We are hours away from celebrating the End of the Year 2023 and there are many people who have already prepared their red underwear for the New Year or who may be preparing to buy them today. The tradition for New Year's Eve states that wearing red underwear while saying goodbye to the year ensures good luck for the coming year. A custom that seems to have very ancient origins dating back to ancient China and the Roman Empire. The truth is that throughout Christmas and also when December 31 arrives, we can find a good number of traditions and rituals to follow. But somehow all of them are surpassed or take on special meaning when we celebrate the night of December 31, the year that ends. It is not just eating the 12 grapes while the twelve bells ring, or toasting with champagne or cava in a glass in which we have previously placed a jewel. There are also many people who wear their best clothes and underneath they wear red underwear during the end of the year. And all because we know that the color red is luck and passion, and is also related to love and that is why those who wear something red give the feeling, if you believe in it, that they will have a good love in the next year. And red has always also been the symbolic color of life, strength and wealth. The tradition is lost in the mists of time: in China, for example, it is used during New Year's celebrations to drive away evil spirits before the new year. In popular tradition, red warded off the Nìan, a predatory beast. Even in the Middle Ages, red had the function of "protection", because it was believed that it could scare away witches and ward off bad luck, but a color that was prohibited, so no one wore it in plain sight, but, at thinking that it also attracted luck and love, so people chose to wear it internally, so no one knew what they were wearing. On the other hand, in the Roman Empire, red was a color associated with power: the tradition of wearing a red cloth during the Roman New Year appears to date back to the time of Octavian Augustus. A symbol of power, health and fertility that has reached us. The tradition of wearing red underwear on New Year's Eve has precise rules so it is important to follow them if we want to do it right: the panties and boxers must be worn inside out for the night of December 30 (therefore, with the seams facing out) and turn inside out again the next day, on New Year's Eve. A symbolic way to get the new year going “in the right direction.” But that's not all: the next day, the underwear should be thrown away along with other old things and never used again. The meaning is clear: out with the old, in with the new. Press Department

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